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Call For Proposals

The 53rd Annual NFA Convention
Unity & Universal Oneness
Atlanta, GA

August 7th - 10th, 2025

Proposals were due at 11:59pm (CDT) on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. The proposal application is now CLOSED. 

If you are impacted by the severe storms in the Southeastern United States, see our message below about requesting an extension.

The information below is published for you reference only. For any questions, please email Mily Harrod at

MESSAGE FOR MEMBERS AFFECTED BY THE STORMS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES: The NFA is providing an extension to the 2025 Convention Proposal deadline to anyone who has been impacted by the severe storms in the Southeastern United States. The deadline for those impacted will be Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:59pm CT. 

To request an extension
, please email Mily Harrod at in advance of the extended deadline. We hope that everyone is staying safe. 

Please note that this extension is only for individuals affected by the storms. For all other members, the deadline remains October 8th at 11:59pm CT. 

The 2025 proposal application is now closed.

Proposals will be reviewed by the following members of the 2025 Proposal Review Committee (listed alphabetically):

Francesca Arnone
Christine Erlander Beard
Stephen Clark
Kathy Farmer
Gabriela Gimenes
Lorin Green
Suyeun Ko
Amy Likar

Dr. Ceylan Mitchell II
Phyllis Louke
Daniel Pardo
Dr. Tia Roper
Mary Shemon
Meerenai Shim
Diane Boyd Schultz

A Message from the Program Team:
We are thrilled to bring our flute community together in the vibrant city of Atlanta for the 53rd Annual National Flute Association Convention. Atlanta is a city with a rich history and diverse culture, birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr., hub of the Civil Rights Movement, an emblem for peace and non-violent activism, and the seat of a dynamic tradition of leadership and academic excellence nurtured by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

We invite you to submit proposals highlighting the theme of unity and universal oneness for 2025. The concept of oneness, where “all is one and one is all,” has been taught and explored across many different cultures and practiced over thousands of years; yet it remains a principle with which humanity seems to struggle daily. The idea suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected, and there is no separation between anything—what is done to one affects the whole. We are One, representing a single life expressed in countless diverse ways.

Proposals celebrating Atlanta’s legacy as a center of activism for civil and human rights are highly encouraged. While we will consider all proposals, we are especially interested in ideas that highlight the bridging and merging of cultures, systems of thoughts, beliefs, languages, and musical genres and styles played by flutes and instruments of all kinds. We would love to hear about creative projects that underline collaborations and efforts towards unity, service, the betterment of our communities, interconnectedness, benevolence, love, compassion, justice, non-violence, and peace.

It is often during times of extreme hardship that virtue and nobility emerge within the human spirit. Let us harness the power and strength of our NFA flute community worldwide, to sow the seeds of peace by acknowledging our interconnected oneness. We are One. We are the NFA.

If you have questions about programming, please feel free to reach out to Mariana at or Cristina at

Share your ideas away! We look forward to hearing from all of you!

2025 Program Team

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Mariana Gariazzo, Program Chair
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Cristina Ballatori, Assistant Program Chair

To Submit Your Proposal:

The 2025 Proposal application CLOSED on October 8th. The information below is for your reference only.
Step 1: New Form for 2025

The form and instructions have changed since last year. Most importantly, you must complete your proposal in one sitting, as you cannot save your progress and return to it laterPlease read all guidelines and instructions well before the October 8th deadline. 

Step 2: Instructions

Read these step-by-step instructions for completing the new proposal form. You can also watch this video that walks you through the application process. 

Step 3: NFA Membership

Ensure that your NFA membership is up to date. An active membership is required to submit a proposal. You can learn more about NFA membership here. 

Step 4: Prepare Your Proposal Materials

You must prepare your materials before beginning the proposal form. To see the required materials, refer to this example proposal form (pdf) and gather your supplemental materials. All supplemental materials must be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox, and entered into the proposal form as a working link. 

Step 5: Submit Your Proposal!

Submit your proposal in our Member Portal. You must be prepared to complete the entire form in one sitting - you cannot save your progress and return to it later. 

You will receive a confirmation email once you are complete. The email will contain a copy of your proposal application. If you do not receive this confirmation, please email Mily Harrod at 

Proposal Guidelines & Instructions:

We welcome proposals in the following categories:
  • Solo Performance (flute alone; flute + other performer, including keyboard, electronics, percussion or any other instrument)
  • Chamber Music (groups of 2-5 players in any instrumental configuration. Note that groups of 6 or more flutes is considered a flute choir - see below)
  • Workshop
  • Lecture
  • Lecture-recital
  • Warm-up session
  • Sight-reading session
  • Panel

We encourage members to submit proposals that include single works that can be programmed in shared recitals. If you are submitting a panel, lecture, or workshop there is no need to add works. You will have the option to add 5 works. 

Flute Choirs: Flute Choir proposals will be accepted through a separate Flute Ensemble Festival application, which will be published later in the year. Do not use this form to apply for the Flute Ensemble Festival.

Please also note that we are no longer accepting gala concerto proposals for the 2025 convention. 

VIDEO: How to Submit Your Proposal

Proposals 101 - Online Info Session

We held an informative online session on Saturday, September 21s. In this session, NFA representatives walked attendees through the proposal process and answered questions. The video is available for viewing here

Flute Choirs (6+ flutes): Please note that all flute choir applications must be submitted via the Flute Ensemble Festival portal. Submission deadline is November 15th. A flute choir is defined as an ensemble of 6 flutes or more. Flute choir applications will not be accepted as part of the convention proposal process. 

Performance Proposals: A recording of your playing is required for each work on your proposal. Provide a working link such as YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the video or files. 

Panel/Lectures/Workshops: May include detailed outlines, videos of prior presentations, or PowerPoint presentations shared via a working link such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the files. 

Warm-up/Sight-reading session: Please include a detailed outline including repertoire, skill level, participants target, thematic topics, and accurate timing for your session. Supplemental materials can be shared via a working link such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the files. 

AV Requirements: There will be limited Audio and Video resources available for your presentation. Be specific on your needs below and list everything you need in the application. You are responsible for bringing adapters to connect to the hotel equipment and all other equipment needed for the session. A personal laptop computer is the recommended method of playing audio files, video files, and using PowerPoint on this equipment. The NFA cannot provide laptops or iPads. Download all pertinent materials to your computer and exclusively present from there. Do not depend solely on the conference center's WIFI for internet access, as NFA cannot ensure its reliability or speed, even with paid access. On site printing is not provided by the NFA.

Supplemental Materials: You can share with us any supplemental materials, including presentations, images, brochures, workshop/lecture outlines, etc. Provide supplemental files via working links to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Access must be set so that anyone with a link can view the files or videos.

Accessibility: The NFA is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of all convention participants. Presenters whose proposals are accepted will be asked if they have accessibility needs as part of the session confirmation process so that NFA may provide the necessary support.

Other Guidelines:

  • Each NFA member may submit up to three proposals, but each must be in a different category. For example, an applicant may submit one solo performance, one chamber performance, and one lecture, but not two solo performances and one lecture. Failure to abide by these specifications will result in disqualification of the additional proposals. Please note that it is common for only a portion of the proposal to be accepted.
  • Proposals submitted may not be commercial in nature
  • You must be an NFA member to submit a proposal. Click here to join or renew your membership.
  • If you have date restrictions during the 2025 Convention (example: your chamber group is only available Thurs-Fri), please make a note somewhere in your application. While the NFA will try to honor your request, we cannot guarantee that you will receive your requested date. 


If you have any questions or problems with your proposal, please email Mily Harrod, NFA Membership Manager, at