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Spring 2024 FQ COVER - a globe sits in front of a grassy background.

The Summer 2024 Issue

In this issue:

The Summer 2024 issue includes pieces previewing the upcoming convention in San Antonio (including two Q&As with the architects of two fascinating lecture-recitals), our second piece on the potential impact of AI on our industry (this time about the legal ramifications), and the first in a series of articles we’ll be doing in collaboration with the Library of Congress (a sort of introduction to the LOC Flute Vault). There’s also news and spotlights from the NFA and its members, reviews, and loads more to peruse while you’re staying cool this summer.

Past Issues

2021 and Before:

FQ Fall 2021 cover
Fall 2021
Issue: 47, Number 1
FQ Summer 2021 cover
Summer 2021
Issue: 46, Number 4
Spring 2021
Issue: 46, Number 3
Winter 2021 FQ Cover
Winter 2021
Issue: 46, Number 2
Fall 2020 FQ cover
Fall 2020
Issue: 46, Number 1
Summer 2020
Issue: 45, Number 4


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Editorial Content

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About The Flutist Quarterly

The Flutist Quarterly, the flagship member publication of the National Flute Association, was founded more than four decades ago, dating back almost as far as the organization itself. Recognized throughout the international flute community for its quality and visual appeal, The Flutist Quarterly provides information and articles about the performance, study, history, manufacture, and enjoyment of flutes, flutists, and flute music. The magazine features articles written by leading flute performers, scholars, and teachers and news about developments and accomplishments in the NFA membership and flute community at large. Article topics range from breaking discoveries and new insights in research and methodologies to in-depth analyses of new works. Profiles of the world’s leading flutists and pedagogues, significant activities in communities from Boston to China and all points in-between, performance health insights, and developments in flute repair and manufacture are among topics explored in the magazine’s feature articles. Regular departments include reports on flute club activities, Annual NFA Convention news and updates, obituaries, international news, news from and about the NFA, announcements of new products, and reviews of new CDs, music, and books pertaining to flute.