Henry B. González Convention Center
900 E Market St
San Antonio, TX 78205
Wednesday from 3-5pm, 8-10pm (Room C1/C2)
Thursday warm-up from 8-8:45am (Room C1/C2)
Conducted by Julie Sooy
NOTICE: The Opening Flute Choir has reached maximum capacity. We invite you to register for the Closing Flute Orchestra.
Thursday from 12:30-2pm (Room 218)
Friday from 12:30-2pm (Room 218)
Saturday from 12:30-2pm (Room 215)
Conducted by Jammie Phillips
NOTICE: The Amateur Flute Choir has reached capacity and the waitlist has closed. We invite you to register for theClosing Flute Orchestra if you would like to perform in a flute choir.
Saturday from 3-3:30pm (Room 215)
Sunday during the Closing Concert Rehearsal (between 12-3:30pm, exact time tbd; Room C1/C2)
Conducted by Julie Sooy